Rough Patches | Dealing With Disappointment In Business

Rough Patches | Dealing With Disappointment In Business

  “I’m not as far along as I should be or I thought I would be.” “I thought I would be further along than this.” “I can’t quite see what the problem is, but I know there’s a problem.” Do these lines sound familiar? If you’re in the middle...
Multi-Passionate To Focused | How To Choose The Right Thing

Multi-Passionate To Focused | How To Choose The Right Thing

  At some point in our lives, we’ve all been caught up in several engagements. We took on so many opportunities that we find ourselves overwhelmed with projects not knowing which ones to prioritize. While it is true that opportunities knock only once and we were...
Sarah Jenks | The Journey To A Whole Woman

Sarah Jenks | The Journey To A Whole Woman

  Being a woman is tough. Add motherhood, career, and the pressure to follow society’s beauty standards to that equation and all you get is a girl who’s lost herself. Sarah Jenks, a mom of three, life coach, emotional eating expert, and sacred space...
Being Ready: An Illusion or Invitation?

Being Ready: An Illusion or Invitation?

  Everywhere we turn, we always seem to hear the words “I’m not ready,” or “I’ll do it when I’m ready.” Steven Pressfield was known for the line “Start before you’re ready,” and Reid Hoffman, the Founder of LinkedIn said, “If you’re not embarrassed by...
EP 84 The Golden Secret with Jesse Golden

EP 84 The Golden Secret with Jesse Golden

  Jesse Golden, author and founder of The Golden Secrets – a company that produces chemical-free skincare and wellness line – has used her multifaceted career as a platform to inspire and empower people all over the world. Jesse looks back into her...