
If you’ve reached a plateau in your life or business and are ready to uncover (and take action on) what’s next, this episode is for you.

Unbecoming was made for people like Kelsey Ramsden. She’s a woman on a mission with a powerful message and a level of mastery that is as equally impressive as it is inspiring.

Kelsey Ramsden has twice been named Canada’s #1 female entrepreneur for her businesses in construction and real estate development, building roads, bridges, airports and communities. She is the author of The Success Hangover, hostess of The Futureproofing Podcast, and Internationally-recognized speaker. Forbes says Kelsey is a master builder of ideas, businesses and futures, but she says she is just a good, no BS mix of book and street smarts. Either way, the results speak for themselves, and Kelsey is all about results.

You may be surprised to know that people are often intimidated by how “ultra-serious” Kelsey can be, but on this episode, you’ll get a deeper look into her hilarious attitude, incredible life story, crazy hats, business savvy, and well as a genuine commitment to those around her.

You’ll hear how she negotiated her way into her undergrad program, spending half of her time on academic probation, and then was accepted into the best MBA school in Canada. We discuss her late 20’s exploration phase, how she scaled her businesses with young children, and the near death experience that she considers the greatest gift she’s ever received.

Despite her success, Kelsey is very candid about the entrepreneurial roller coaster, and also where she is on her own Unbecoming journey. She’s broken the mold of what most people consider “success” to look like, and I’ve invited her to come wax lyrical about what really matters in business and life.

She shares what she’s most proud of, her non-negotiables, what your “default future” looks like and why she really wrote her book, The Success Hangover.

Kelsey’s perspective on life and business is not just inspiring but also actionable. You can learn more about her on her website, connect with her on Instagram and tune in to her podcast, Futureproofing. Watch for Kelsey’s new book, The Success Hangover, which will be available October 30th!

If you are looking for more or better results in your business, I’ve asked Kelsey to stay on after the show and share some of her greatest tips, tools and strategies in a rapid fire segment that you can find at https://www.unbecomingpodcast.com/kelsey.





