
If you’ve ever felt not good enough or caught in the chaos of comparison, this is the episode you need.

Michelle Lowbridge is different, special, unique.

She’s someone I admire deeply and love playing with in business and life.

She’s a writer, energy worker, and self-discovery enthusiast. Since the birth of her daughter, and after discovering kinesiology, she’s been a student of the energy system and human mindset. Michelle is dedicated to helping clients reprogram limiting beliefs around money and abundance, and empowers them with the ability, belief and mindset to succeed.

You’ll hear why she believes so strongly in personal development and the one core belief that shifted her entire business and way of thinking. She shares the concept behind her generosity, why she doesn’t have a coach and how a spiritual connection can transform your life.

Michelle explains where most people get it wrong when it comes to being in flow, and the number one thing she looks for when creating her next product.

Our connection is undeniable, which hopefully translates through the laughter and tears we share on this episode.

Her zest for life is contagious, her generosity is admirable and her authenticity is inspiring.  

Please go visit Michelle at her website, where you can get her 11 Pieces of the Abundance Puzzle. You can also connect with her on Facebook and Instagram.  





