
How do you turn your greatest weakness or insecurity into a superpower?

And if you did, what would be possible for your life and business?

In this episode, Amy Schuber speaks up about how the one thing she was labeled as throughout her childhood has actually become a great strength.

Amy Schuber is a business strategist and podcaster. She’s been working with business leaders for the past decade, guiding them back to themselves with her strategic mind, savvy spirituality and curated resources. She has an innate ability to see her client’s true potential and devise strategies needed to unlock new possibilities and create success in life and business.

Amy is also the host of the Inspired Conversations Podcast, bringing insight from today’s thought leaders to help us live into life and business in the most conscious, mindful way.

On the show, we talk about the one phrase that shaped her and changed the way she shows up in the world through her business and podcast. It set the tone for her personal and professional success, with the goal being to make a difference, to enjoy life, to love and to have fun!

However, it hasn’t always been easy. Amy opens up about the challenging seasons of her life, and how she moved through the discomfort and now finds herself in a “rich and glamorous” season of life.

What I admire most about Amy is how intentional she is about helping others learn, create and thrive, so head over to listen to this beautiful episode!

If you want to be inspired, check out her Inspired Conversations podcast, and you can learn more about Amy at her website. You can also connect with her on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.  







Mentioned: [S4] EP 09 Play Bigger with Melinda Wittstock